From Earth, With Love.

Written by Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Communication and Education Affiliate In 1977, NASA launched two of the most iconic and beloved spacecraft of all time. When Voyager 1 & 2 launched, they set on a course to sail past the outer planets of our solar system. Now 46 years later, Voyager 1 continues to sail outward, presently 50 billion miles away into interstellar space, Voyager 2 is at 20.3 billion miles away. Unfortunately, we now await word of the […]

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The Art of Communication

Written by Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Communication and Education Affiliate. Shock rippled through the space community this past February 6th when it was announced that JPL would be letting go 530 of its employees. Of course, first my heart goes out to people going through such difficult circumstances. However, upon hearing this news, it gave me reminiscent feelings of a reaction to a similar shocking announcement; occurring just months before I set sail as an on-board communicator on the […]

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End of an Era

Guest Contributor – Dr. Lesley Anderson Barbara “Bobbie” John walked up the gangway with intentional steps, recognizing that this was the very last time she would ever board the JOIDES Resolution. After three previous expeditions on the JR, Bobbie found herself one of 20 international scientists embarking one more time on the drilling vessel. This particular expedition is very special to her, because she was onboard the ship that first discovered the Lost City at Atlantis Massif. In fact, she […]

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Oxygen on Mars? Don’t hold your breath.

Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer Astrobiology asks three fundamental questions: How does life begin, could there be life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it? For decades, NASA’s sights have been set towards Mars for answers. Previous research presented evidence of an oxygen-rich atmosphere in its ancient past; however a new paper released challenges this. A study from researchers at Washington University suggests that we may need to look for signs of life with a new […]

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A Planetary Defender

By Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer Concerns about how to protect our planet from asteroid impacts have long plagued planetary scientists. While statistically speaking the chances of a disastrous one hitting our planet in our lifetime is very slim, the consequences of being underprepared could be significant. Quite infamously, it did not bode well for the dinosaurs the last time a large asteroid found its way to Earth. While confidence has been high that humans will be able to […]

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Phototrophy on Venus?

By Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer The astrobiology world was buzzing last year when a study was released stating levels of phosphine had been detected in the cloud decks of Venus. While this study was subjected to the full scrutiny of the scientific method since published, it opened a flood gate of interest in taking a closer look at the potential for life on Earth’s deadly twin planet. NASA selected Davinci+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, […]

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Astronauts in the Ocean

By Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer Author and aquanaut, Alan A. Allen has worked in an office which few others can say they ever had. If we are ever lucky enough to have a window in our office, we rejoice. Allen’s office view was more than a window, it was the ocean floor. During the 60’s and 70’s, Alan conducted research with NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) studying the effects of oil spills on marine life. Using […]

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Inspiration for these Times

By Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer For many of us, the past year has been a challenge. Businesses struggled, workers were laid off, and domestic violence rates skyrocketed. Students had to adapt to virtual learning, while parents strove to maintain work/home life responsibilities and sanity. There was a general uncertainty of how Covid-19 would continue to mutate and a slow vaccine rollout drew a sense of uneasiness amongst many. But quietly in the background, a message of inspiration was […]

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A History of Science Communication

By Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer Recently, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science held its internal BluSciCon event. This virtual conference gives interns in the Young Scientist Program an opportunity to practice presenting research to their mentors and peers. One of the goals of the Young Scientist Program is to educate students in the techniques of presenting complex subjects in an easy to understand format. As we begin to enter an exciting new era for humans in space exploration, […]

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Why Space Exploration Matters

By Sarah Treadwell – BMSIS Science Writer Recently, several aerospace companies and billionaires have sent their own rockets up to space. The debates started before lift off… What is the definition of astronaut? What counts as “going to space”? The conversations were fast and furious, with many expressing frustration of billionaires using their money on what seemed as joy rides, rather than spend it on other Earth based causes. With all of the new recent launches, a long standing question […]

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