Podcast: The Descent of Math

Our “BlueSciCon” podcast for April features a conversation with Dr. Sara Walker about her recent essay titled “The Descent of Math“. Scientists and philosophers have often remarked that it seems incredible that we are able to understand the universe at all. Our civilization’s ability to manipulate the physical environment has allowed us to create possibilities that were never before seen in history. In her essay for FQXi’s current contest, Dr. Walker discusses the possibility that evolutionary processes tend toward producing […]

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Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman

A new science series titled “Through the Wormhole” features BMSIS research scientist Dr. Sara Walker as a guest expert on an upcoming show. The episode is titled “Are We Here for a Reason?” and is scheduled to air on Wednesday, May 13th on Discovery’s Science Channel at 10:00 PM ET/PT. Hosted by Morgan Freeman, the series explores some of the deep mysteries of astronomy, cosmology, and existence. [Visit the site for “Through the Wormhole”]

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BlueSciCon Episode 37: The Descent of Math

Dr. Sara Walker Beverage: Seltzer Water Listen: [mp3 download] Questions to consider: Why does the universe seem comprehensible, and why should beings like us be here to comprehend it? How does our knowledge about the laws of physics permit us to access new physical states of the world? Do other creatures–such as birds or beavers–engage in knowledge manipulation of their environments? Are there early examples of the emergence of math, prior to the evolution of humans? Is the development of […]

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Podcast: Winter-Safe Deterrence

Our “BlueSciCon” podcast for March features a conversation with Dr. Seth Baum of the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute and Kathryn McLaughlin of Biosecu.re about the concept of “Winter-Safe Deterrence“. The stockpiles of nuclear weapons held by nations today hold the power to destroy civilization several times over, and the risk of nuclear winter–a catastrophic reduction in global temperatures due to soot from nuclear war–gives us reason to question whether we should maintain such massive stockpiles at all. Yet deterrence provides […]

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BlueSciCon Episode 36: Winter-Safe Deterrence

Dr. Seth Baum & Kathryn McLaughlin Beverage: Yuengling (United States – Pennsylvania) Listen: [mp3 download] Questions to consider: What would be the consequences of a global nuclear winter? How significant is the threat of nuclear winter today? Is deterrence the primary motivation for states to acquire nuclear weapons? Can we achieve deterrence while eliminating the risk of nuclear winter? Are biological weapons a viable alternative, or do they carry too many unknown risks to serve as a winter-safe deterrent? [ca_audio […]

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Podcast: Feeding Everyone No Matter What

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for November features a conversation with Dr. Dave Denkenberger titled “Feeding Everyone No Matter What“. In the wake of a global catastrophe that blocks the light from the sun, food production would plummet and humanity would face the daunting task of feeding itself in an environment of darkness. Dr. Dave Denkenberger of the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute discusses his research on how human civilization could prepare for such catastrophes and the various strategies we could […]

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Podcast: The Zombie Broccoli

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for October features a conversation with Dr. Lucas Mix titled “The Zombie Broccoli: What Aliens and Souls Can Tell Us About Ourselves“. Astrobiology highlights the common origin of life, but this can raise difficult philosophical and spiritual questions when contrasted with some of our unspoken assumptions about value and meaning. Lucas Mix draws on his insights from biology and theology to explore concepts that skirt at the boundaries between ourselves, animals, vegetables, and the rest […]

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Podcast: The Sciworthy News Platform for Scientists

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for September features a conversation with Graham Short about “Sciworthy: A New Science News Platform for Scientists“. Communicating science to the public can be challenging, and scientists often struggle with finding effective methods of directly disseminating their research in accessible ways. Graham Short discusses the history, concept, and future of the Sciworthy initiative, which is a news platform designed for scientists and institutes to directly share research results with the public. [listen to the conversation]

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Podcast: Habitability of Tattoine Planets

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for August features a conversation with Dr. Duncan Forgan of the University of St. Andrews titled “Habitability of Tattoine Planets: Even More Complicated Than You Think“. Planets in orbit around multiple star systems were once thought confined to realm of science fiction, but ongoing planet-finding missions have confirmed that planets can readily form in such environments. Dr. Duncan Forgan considers how habitable conditions could arise on such planets, and he presents some of his climate […]

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A Chat with Astronaut Ron Garan

Retired NASA astronaut Ron Garan appears in an interview on HuffPost Live where he discusses his perspectives on space exploration and his ideas for shaping the future. Our own Dr. Sara Walker is featured in the conversation (at 11:20 from the start), asking Garan his thoughts about our prospects of becoming an interstellar civilization. [Watch the conversation at HuffPost Live]

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