BMSIS Visiting Scholar: Sriya Pothapragada

Sriya is a first-year Ph.D. student in Genetics at Clemson University under the direction of Dr. James Lewis.

Her research at Clemson will be focused around studying the genetics of adaptation in butterflies.

Sriya graduated in May 2023 with her B.S. in BioEngineering from the University of Maryland, College Park. During her time at UMD, Sriya was a Bioengineering Departmental Honors researcher in Dr. Jeffery Klauda’s Laboratory of Molecular and Thermodynamic Modeling, an Undergraduate Teaching Fellow for Synthetic Biology, a Resident Assistant, and an intern in the AMDS sector at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.

Sriya’s research interests include evolutionary genomics and biophysics, and she is excited to apply her training towards advancing the study of the origins and early evolutions of life on earth.

Her research at BMSIS with Dr. Celia Blanco will be focused around exploring the navigability of fitness landscapes.