BMSIS Visiting Scholar: Jake Lowe

We’re excited to be welcoming Jake Lowe back to BMSIS. Jake was one of our YSP Research Associates previously, and is now joining us as a Visiting Scholar. Read below to learn more about Jake!

Jake Lowe

My name is Jake, I’m 23, and I’m an aspiring astrobiologist.

I’ve received my B.S. in microbiology with minors in earth science and astronomy from the University of Utah, USA, and I am continuing my studies as a master’s student in the biology of extreme environments program (astrobiology emphasis) at the University of Naples, Federico II, Italy.

I strive to unravel the mysteries of our Universe by remaining curious and open to learning about the cosmos, the life it harbors, and this extraordinary blue marble we call home.

BMSIS has supported me in these goals as a Visiting Scholar and through the YSP, where I’ve had the opportunity to work with Drs. Shawn McGlynn, Joshua Goldford, and William Brazelton in investigating Earth’s early metabolism by using hydrothermal systems as analogs.

I’m grateful and excited to be visiting the Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo this summer to continue working with Dr. McGlynn in investigating microbe-metal interactions. Afterward, I’ll return to Italy to continue my master’s thesis (TBD). I’m hopeful for where my education and my continued collaboration with Blue Marble Space will take me.

Ad astra.