From exploring protein structure to promoting astrobiology in Asia by Rabeea Rasheed Humans are born curious and naturally inquisitive. We tend to want knowledge of how things work around us. But while many of us often ask “how” things work, it seems like only a proportion of people dare to ask “why”, even though the latter is both intellectually stimulating and challenging at the same time. Finding out why something works the way it does or “why we wonder why” […]

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Blues for a red planet: Dr. Azua-Bustos uses a unique approach to understand life in the extreme environment of the Atacama Desert  by Rabeea Rasheed Our knowledge of life is based on our observation and understanding of organisms living on Earth or that lived here in the past. The complexity and diversity of life developed over the course of a million years. From the tiniest microbe to the mighty blue whale, Life evolved and adapted to its environment.Biological diversity includes […]

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“When I think of the Earth, I think about…”

By Rabeea Rasheed When I think of the Earth, I think about it as one strange rock orbiting in space around an average star. Earth makes me think about my place in the universe, forcing me to seek answers to some of the biggest questions – questions about our existence and mysteries of the universe such as what is the possibility of life somewhere out there, in the great unknown; if it exists, what would be the nature of that […]

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Julia DeMarines: A real-life Ellie Arroway who wants to “watch the stars, and see [herself] running with them”

By Rabeea Rasheed Learning about the cosmic perspective and our seemingly insignificant, yet rare and beautiful place in the universe, makes one think, are there any others out there? Are we alone in the cosmos? These questions are a matter of interest for a lot of humans, but they’ve become a lifelong passion for Julia DeMarines. She’s seeking answers to these questions with help from her extensive academic career and diligent research work. Julia is an astrobiologist, National Geographic Explorer, […]

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