TED Talk by Armando Azua-Bustos

How can Earth teach us about extraterrestrial life? In his TED Talk, The most Martian place on Earth, Dr. Armando Azua-Bustos takes us on a tour of the Atacama Desert, his childhood home now turned into his astrobiological laboratory. Searching for signs of life on Mars, or other planets, requires careful understanding of how organisms can survive in dry and extreme environments, and Dr. Azua-Bustos’ research helps to reveal the conditions that we might find life both there and elsewhere. […]

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BlueSciCon Episode 43: Stars without wars – Institutionalization of space research and its role in the international security environment

Guest: Haritina Mogosanu
Questions to consider:
What factors allow an institution like NASA to enable both space research and international security?
What is meant by the institutionalization of space research?
What historical factors from the space race are still lingering today?
How should nations balance the sharing of space resources with security concerns?

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Laurie Barge Discusses Self-Organizing Systems

Dr. Laurie Barge recently discussed her research on self-organizing processes at the University of Washington astrobiology seminar. Processes that tend toward self-organization are of interest to astrobiologists like Dr. Barge, who seek to understand conditions that could have led to the origin of life in Earth’s early history. Dr. Barge’s research focuses on understanding the chemical environments that exist in seafloor hydrothermal systems, where out-of-equilibrium conditions could have provided the right mix of ingredients for life to begin. [watch a […]

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NAI Seminar with Dr. Mark Claire

Our own Dr. Mark Claire will be featured April 14th @ 11 AM (Pacific) on the NASA Astrobiology Institute’s NPP Alumni Seminar Series. Dr. Claire’s will discuss themes from his ongoing research in his talk titled, “Clues to Atmospheric Evolution in Earth’s Earliest Sediments”, where he explores the concentration of atmospheric oxygen through time. NAI NPP Alumni Seminar Series with Dr. Mark Claire April 14th @ 11:00 AM (Pacific) Join via Adobe Connect: https://connect.arc.nasa.gov/npp-alumni/

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NAI Seminar with Dr. Jim Cleaves

Our own Dr. Jim Cleaves will be featured Feb. 10th @ 11 AM (Pacific) on the NASA Astrobiology Institute’s director’s seminar. Dr. Cleaves will discuss his ongoing research in his talk titled, “Amino Acid Analysis of Titan Tholins and Comparison With Other Prebiotic Reaction Systems”, where he explores the various pathways that abiotic chemistry might ultimately lead to organic living processes. NAI Director’s Seminar with Dr. Jim Cleaves February 10th @ 11:00 AM (Pacific) Join via Adobe Connect: http://connect.arc.nasa.gov/nai_directors_seminar

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