Popular Science: Should We Liberate Mars?

Should Mars be designated as independent of Earth, prior to the arrival of any human colonists? A new article by Popular Science discusses Dr. Jacob Haqq-Misra’s proposal of “liberating Mars” to allow for the development of a second instance of civilization. Rather than a conventional colony as has been seen through history, an independent and liberated Mars could provide a testbed for new and radical ideas in civilization. This idea was initially featured by Popular Science and generated subsequent coverage […]

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Atacama Research Featured in Chilean News

An interview with BMSIS research scientist Dr. Armando Azua-Bustos recently appeared in the newspaper El Mercurio in Chile. The article features discussion of Dr. Azua-Bustos’ research in the context of understanding extremely dry planetary environments and possible analogs with sites explored by the Mars Curiosity Rover. [Read the full text in El Mercurio]

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Radio New Zealand: Mission to Mars

Is Mars colonization doomed from the start? Our own Haritina Mogosanu discusses the limitations of such efforts in an interview with Radio New Zealand National. With her personal expertise in horticulture, Mogosanu discusses the implications of a recent study that critiques the Mars One projects as technologically premature. Food production provides one of the key limiting factors, and the new study suggests that colonists would start dying after only a few months of residence on the red planet. Mogosanu concurs […]

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Podcast: Curiosity & The Road to Mt. Sharp

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for June features a conversation with our own Dr. Craig Hardgrove about current progress in Mars rover exploration titled “Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Mission Update: The Road to Mt. Sharp“. Missions to Mars require careful management by a team of coordinated experts to accomplish science goals, maintain the integrity of the technology, and keep focus on the long-term timeline. Dr. Craig Hardgrove gives us an insider’s perspective on the daily communication between scientists, engineers, and […]

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“Hijos de las Estrellas”

A new Documentary show titled “Hijos de las Estrellas” features BMSIS research scientist Dr. Armando Azua-Bustos as an interviewee. Providing an overview of contemporary planetary exploration. Dr. Azua-Bustos contributes to the discussion through a guided tour of his research of the Atacama Desert—which may hold some clues to undertsanding the environment of Mars and the role of water in life. The show will air soon on television in Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and other Latin American Countries, and you can stay […]

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Mars Curiosity Interview in Chilean News

BMSIS research scientist Armando Azua-Bustos was recently interviewed for the newspaper El Mercurio in Chile. A scan of the article appears below, which features a discussion about the Curiosity rover’s one year anniversary of landing on Mars. Congrats Armando!

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