A Chat with Astronaut Ron Garan

Retired NASA astronaut Ron Garan appears in an interview on HuffPost Live where he discusses his perspectives on space exploration and his ideas for shaping the future. Our own Dr. Sara Walker is featured in the conversation (at 11:20 from the start), asking Garan his thoughts about our prospects of becoming an interstellar civilization. [Watch the conversation at HuffPost Live]

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Meet the Team: Steve Hsu

This month we feature Steve Hsu, a research scientist with a medical background who recently joined our team. BMSIS: Please tell us a little about yourself. Steve: I was born in 1963 in Taiwan, where I was raised by my paternal grandparents, who were the first western-trained doctor and nurse in my family. Growing up watching my grandfather mixing medications in his own formulary and the antiseptic smell of the clinic are vivid memories. It wasn’t until I was older […]

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Meet the Team: Craig Hardgrove

This month we feature Craig Hardgrove, a research scientist who recently joined our team at BMSIS. BMSIS: Please tell us a little about yourself. Craig: I grew up in the southeastern US, and got my undergraduate degree in physics at Georgia Tech. I completed my dissertation in planetary science from the University of Tennessee in 2011. I am currently on the Mars Science Laboratory color camera and neutron detector teams. I worked on the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity, […]

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Mars Curiosity Interview in Chilean News

BMSIS research scientist Armando Azua-Bustos was recently interviewed for the newspaper El Mercurio in Chile. A scan of the article appears below, which features a discussion about the Curiosity rover’s one year anniversary of landing on Mars. Congrats Armando!

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Meet the Team: Armando Azua-Bustos

This month we feature Armando Azua-Bustos, the “astrobiologist from the desert” who recently joined our team at BMSIS. BMSIS: Please tell us a little about yourself. Armando: I truly began my career in science about 10 years ago. As I graduated as an Agronomist –Enologist from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, I worked in the wine industry for some time. However, after a year or two I realized that although I could have a good living by making wines, […]

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Meet the Team: Dr. Betül Kaçar

This month we feature Dr. Betül Kaçar, a BMSIS research scientist and postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Tech. BMSIS: Please tell us a little about yourself Betül:I am a very curious person who wants to understand how nature works. I want to understand how history shaped the biological world that surrounds us: how and why is life the way it is now? I attempt to answer these questions in the laboratory, with the tools drawn from evolutionary, synthetic and molecular biology. […]

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