Spaceward Bound India 2016

Spaceward Bound, a NASA Ames initiative, is an opportunity for astrogeologists and astrobiologists to work with students in remote, off Earth analogous environments to conduct field experiments and engage in scientific discussions with participating students and science educators. As a first, scientists from NASA’s astrobiology community are teaming up with their counterparts in Australia and India to visit Ladakh, India in August 2016 to conduct experiments in a range of research areas. Ladakh is a cold, high altitude (3000-6000m asl) […]

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Dr. Sanjoy Som Receives Lewis and Clark Award

BMSIS research scientist Dr. Sanjoy Som was selected for a 2013 Lewis and Clark Award to support field research in astrobiology. Dr. Som will be using his award to support his research in Iceland on “Hydrogen Production in Basalt-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems”. The goal of this fieldwork is to understand the suitability of basaltic rock systems for supporting life. In particular, water reacts with basaltic rocks to release hydrogen gas through many processes on Earth. This production of hydrogen gas from […]

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Podcast: Europa in our Back Yard

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for June features a conversation with Dr. Britney Schmidt titled Europa in our Backyard. Dr. Schmidt discusses her field research in Antarctica and describes how this unique landscape on Earth presents an analog to icy worlds such as Europa. Scientists have been long interested in visiting Europa–and Dr. Schmidt describes some of these efforts underway–but in the meanwhile, we can learn from remote settings in our own back yard of planet Earth to learn about […]

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