Pubs: Habitable Zones & Planetary Mass

A new paper led by Dr. Ravi Kopparapu explores the liquid water habitable zone for terrestrial planets and how these limits change with planetary mass. Astronomers are currently interested in identifying extrasolar planets that may be habitable, and calculations such as those led by Dr. Kopparapu help to understand the range of planetary parameters that could retain such conditions. The paper is titled “Habitable zones around main-sequence stars: Dependence on planetary mass” and is available as a pre-print on […]

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BlueSciCon Episode 29: Why explore space?

Dr. Sanjoy Som and Dr. Jacob Haqq-Misra Beverage: Irish Death (United States – Washington) Listen: [mp3 download] [ca_audio url=”″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]

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“Hijos de las Estrellas”

A new Documentary show titled “Hijos de las Estrellas” features BMSIS research scientist Dr. Armando Azua-Bustos as an interviewee. Providing an overview of contemporary planetary exploration. Dr. Azua-Bustos contributes to the discussion through a guided tour of his research of the Atacama Desert—which may hold some clues to undertsanding the environment of Mars and the role of water in life. The show will air soon on television in Chile, Colombia, Uruguay and other Latin American Countries, and you can stay […]

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Podcast: Mentoring & Developing a Culture of Scholarship that Matters

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for March features a conversation with our own Dr. Emma Miller titled “Mentoring: Developing a Culture of Scholarship that Matters“. Success in school (and in life) requires teachers to guide us in our studies and career ambitions. Mentorship adds a dimension to these interactions by acknowledging the breadth of experiences in life that can positively and negatively affect our performance and well-being. Dr. Miller describes her experiences in developing mentorship programs to effectively engage students […]

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NAI Seminar with Dr. Mark Claire

Our own Dr. Mark Claire will be featured April 14th @ 11 AM (Pacific) on the NASA Astrobiology Institute’s NPP Alumni Seminar Series. Dr. Claire’s will discuss themes from his ongoing research in his talk titled, “Clues to Atmospheric Evolution in Earth’s Earliest Sediments”, where he explores the concentration of atmospheric oxygen through time. NAI NPP Alumni Seminar Series with Dr. Mark Claire April 14th @ 11:00 AM (Pacific) Join via Adobe Connect:

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A Fuel Cell Model for the Origin of Life

Dr. Laurie Barge has published a paper suggesting a novel way to study the origin of life by using fuel cells. Although fuel cells carry the potential to create cleaner-burning cars, Dr. Barge and her co-authors suggest that fuel cells are also an ideal laboratory for probing one of astrobiology’s deepest mysteries. This research is published in the journal Astrobiology, and news coverage appears on the NASA JPL website. [Read the article at JPL]

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Podcast: Balancing Exploration and Use of Space Beyond Earth Orbit

Our “Beer with BMSIS” podcast for February features a conversation with Dr. Margaret Race of the SETI Institute about some of the challenges facing astrobiology and space exploration titled “More Bumps in the Road Ahead for Astrobiology?: Balancing Exploration and Use of Space Beyond Earth Orbit“. Commercial space exploration has come along way since the days NASA’s moon landing, and commercial interests in the moon, Mars, asteroids, and other space resources must now be taken as seriously as national space […]

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