Detectability of Future Earth

A cosmic perspective on the future of our world and the longevity of our civilization A new special issue of the journal Futures is now available and features papers that examine the future of Earth and civilization from an astrobiological perspective, particularly focused on the extent to which human activities could be detectable across interstellar distances. BMSIS Scientist Jacob Haqq-Misra edited this special issue and provides the introductory chapter. The issue also includes contributions from BMSIS Scientists Sanjoy Som, Brendan […]

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Podcast: Dr. David Grinspoon on the Anthropocene

April’s “Beer with BMSIS” podcast features a conversation with Dr. David Grinspoon on The Human Role in Earth Evolution: Will the Anthropocene be an Event, An Epoch or a Transition? Dr. Grinspoon describes how the activities of human civilization have grown to such a scale that they are beginning to have an impact on the planetary system and the geologic record. He considers the implications of this notion of the “Anthropocene” and some possible directions for the future of humanity. […]

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