BMSIS science featured in ‘Nature’ magazine

BMSIS scientist Sanjoy Som and collaborators from the University of Washington in Seattle published in ‘Nature’ a method to calculate the air density 2.7 billion years ago by measuring fossil raindrop imprints. The work, coupling experiments of falling raindrops with theoretical predictions of raindrop dynamics, allowed the scientists to constrain atmospheric density to at most 2x present levels, but rainfall statistics favor an air density more probably between 0.5x – 1.05x present levels. Read more in Extended Summary!

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BMSIS Scientists featured in NYT article

BMSIS Scientists Michael Busch, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Seth Baum and Dimitra Atri were featured in article entitled “What do you say to an alien” that was published on February 11th 2012 in the New York Times. What Do You Say to an Alien? David Sandlin By SAM ROBERTS Published: February 11, 2012 THIRTY-FIVE years ago, a gold-plated record was lofted into the cosmos with a greeting card for the first extraterrestrials who found it. The golden plaque, attached to the Voyager spacecraft, was […]

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BMSIS and NASA Make Science Communication Competition Interplanetary

Cheltenham Festivals (UK), NASA, and the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science (BMSIS) are pleased to announce a partnership to operate Cheltenham Festival’s flagship science communication activity – FameLab® – within the USA for the first time. The competition will be held in the fields of astrobiology and planetary sciences, and is open to all scientists working in these diverse areas of research. FameLab Astrobiology will discover and develop science communication skills within the astrobiology community. Workshops will train scientists […]

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