Re-conceptualizing the Origin of Life

Understanding the origin of life remains an elusive quest of astrobiology, and uniting the approaches of physics, chemistry, and biology remains one of the challenges of this interdisciplinary field. Dr. Sara Walker is part of the science organizing committee for the Carnegie science workshop titled “Re-conceptualizing the Origin of Life“, to be held November 9-13, 2015 in Washington, DC. Abstracts are due August 1st, and attendance is limited to 100 participants. [visit the conference website for Re-conceptualizing the Origin of […]

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Reflections on EPO in Japan

The Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo has been rapidly developing its presence in the interdiscplinary research community, which has created the opportunity for many international scientists to visit ELSI and learn from its culture. Dr. Betul Kacar reflects on the changes she has noticed in ELSI’s culture that work toward fostering a culture of collaboration and creativity–which presents unique challenges for Japanese culture. Dr. Kacar discusses lessons from her experiences at ELSI and the role of SAGANet in helping to […]

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Siddharth Pandey Selected as an Emerging Space Leader

The International Astronautical Federation sponsors a grant program for Emerging Space Leaders, which enable students and young professionals to participate in the International Astronautical Congress each year. This year, our own Siddharth Pandey was selected as one of 14 grant recipients, which will allow him to attend the IAC in Jerusalem this year and extend his network with professionals in the space industry. Siddharth is helping to coordinate joint Astrobiological field research and workshops in India with support from research […]

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Atacama Research Featured in HuffPo

Dr. Armando Azua-Bustos was recently featured in a Huffington Post article on the extreme limits of life in Chile’s Atacama Desert. Dr. Azua-Bustos discusses his team’s recent discovery of bacterial species at María Elena South, a location previously thought too dry to sustain life. The researchers are now investigating whether any such “dry limit” for life exists on Earth at all, and they are continuing to search for habitable environments with even less available water than at María Elena South. […]

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BlueSciCon Episode 39: Sustained Exploration of the Inner Solar System

Live from AbSciCon 2015 Beverages: Various Listen: [mp3 download] Questions to consider: How can human civilization develop a successful strategy for the sustained exploration of the inner solar system for the next 200 years? What planets and astronomical bodies should we target? Can space exploration be profitable? Is space colonization desirable? [ca_audio url=”″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]

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Astrobiology on All India Radio

Dr. Preeti Nema was recently featured as a guest on All India Radio (AIR)–the national radio station of India–to discuss the science of astrobiology. Dr. Nema’s talk was part of the English-language “Radioscope” audio science magazine, which is broadcast across India from New Delhi to educate the general public about the latest happenings in science and its relevance to the common person. [ca_audio url=”″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”] [mp3 download] [click to visit the AIR website]

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The Problems with Talking to Aliens

A recent article in the Kernel features Michael Busch, Dimitra Atri, and Jacob Haqq-Misra on the subject of sending messages into space. The Lone Signal project of 2013 was an attempt at sending a crowdfunded message toward the star Gliese 526, and the article discusses both the funding perils and security concerns over this and other attempts at broadcasting messages that extraterrestrial intelligence might receive. [read the article at the Kernel]

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Podcast: Complementary Currency

Our “BlueSciCon” podcast for May features a conversation with our 2014 essay contest winner Kamir Hiam titled “Redesigning Human Motivation and Aiming for the Stars“. Space exploration requires costly investment, and the lack of an immediate return on this capital provides little economic incentive for a long-term exploratory program. Likewise, optimal solutions to environmental challenges sometimes compete against marketplace forces, which can create difficulties in motivating new behaviors. In his winning essay, Kamir Haim proposes that “complementary currency” could provide […]

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Laurie Barge Discusses Self-Organizing Systems

Dr. Laurie Barge recently discussed her research on self-organizing processes at the University of Washington astrobiology seminar. Processes that tend toward self-organization are of interest to astrobiologists like Dr. Barge, who seek to understand conditions that could have led to the origin of life in Earth’s early history. Dr. Barge’s research focuses on understanding the chemical environments that exist in seafloor hydrothermal systems, where out-of-equilibrium conditions could have provided the right mix of ingredients for life to begin. [watch a […]

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Talking Exoplanets with Elementary Schoolers

NASA/BMSIS research intern Palmer Fliss engaged a group of thirty 5th graders at Fammatre Elementary School in San Jose, CA. Nina Hyatt, the teacher of the class, expressed “It was so great for my fifth graders to have an opportunity to talk to a “real live scientist! So many fascinating questions were asked, and conversations shared! And, after the bell rang, they were so immersed in their drawing projects that I needed to practically chase them out of the classroom!”. […]

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