Eddie Schwieterman Receives NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship

Dr. Eddie Schwieterman has been selected for the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) fellowship in astrobiology. Dr. Schwieterman will work with the NASA astrobiology institute lead team at the University of California at Riverside, with advisor Prof. Timothy Lyons, on a project titled “Visualizing alternative Earths through time and space.” Congratulations and good luck to Eddie! [view the list of astrobiology NPP recipients]

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Discussing Astronaut Radiation Health with Engineers

BMSIS ​Young Scientist Sneha Shirsat visited the College of Engineering in Pune, India (COEP) Astronomy Club to discuss the radiation risks astronauts face on long journeys. Sneha’s engagement was part of her​ Communications requirements for the BMSIS Young Scientist Program. BMSIS is continuously committed to engaging the public in the wonders of Space Exploration and the Earth System. Our ​Young Scientist Program continues this tradition by engaging local communities around the world. Read Sneha’s impressions below: As young scientist program […]

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Implications of Radiation Risk for Astronauts

Sneha Shirsat shares her ethics & society case study, which she completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. Humankind is on a fast track to venture out into horizons of the universe. The concept of space missions creates a picture of extraterrestrial travel, trips to Mars and even beyond our solar system. It is important that these technological advances have some ethics embedded in them. Along with factors like duration of space travel, accompanying resources and fuel consumption, it […]

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Blue Marble Space Featured in Inc. Magazine

Inc. magazine recently featured an interview with Sanjoy Som about Blue Marble Space in an article titled “How Space Travel Will Save the World (And the People Living on It).” A tall order indeed, but we are grateful for the support we continually receive from other scientists, educators, and journalists who share our vision of using space exploration to improve our home on Earth. [read the article at Inc.]

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New Paper: Sovereignty on Mars

Sara Bruhns and Jacob Haqq-Misra recently published a paper titled “A pragmatic approach to sovereignty on Mars” in the journal Space Policy. Sara performed this work during her participation in the BMSIS Young Scientist Program. Below is a short summary of this idea. National space agencies and private corporations have declared plans to send humans to the red planet, with longer-term planets of settlement and resource extraction likely to follow. Such actions may conflict with the Outer Space Treaty, which […]

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Selecting Humans: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Gökçe Senger shares her ethics & society case study, which she completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. The term eugenics is derived from the Greek term Eugene, meaning ‘well-born.’ In 1883, it was first used by Sir Francis Galton, a British scholar and cousin of Charles Darwin1. He realized that high-quality intelligence and abilities were inherited through generations with an efficiency of 20%1. He then theorized that the human population could be improved by selecting individuals with desirable traits and encouraging […]

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Space Biology Outreach

BMSIS ​Young Scientist ​Mohit Nalavadi visited a high school in San Jose, California for a space biology outreach event. ​ Mohit’s engagement was part of h​is​ Communications requirements for the BMSIS Young Scientist Program. BMSIS is continuously committed to engaging the public in the wonders of Space Exploration and the Earth System. Our ​Young Scientist Program continues this tradition by engaging local communities around the world. Read Mohit’s impressions below: On Thursday April 7th and 15th I went to Alpha […]

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