Outreach at Blue Hills Elementary School

BMSIS Young Scientist Shaelyn Silverman led an outreach event at Blue Hills Elementary School in Saratoga, California. Shaelyn’s engagement was part of her Communications requirements for the BMSIS Young Scientist Program. BMSIS is continuously committed to engaging the public in the wonders of Space Exploration and the Earth System. Our Young Scientist Program continues this tradition by engaging local communities around the world. Read Shaelyn’s impressions below: Throughout my experience working with Sanjoy Som at NASA Ames, I was deeply […]

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Bay Area Science Festival

BMSIS Young Scientist Nick Thomas volunteered at the Bay Area Science Festival for a space research outreach event. Nick’s engagement was part of his Communications requirements for the BMSIS Young Scientist Program. BMSIS is continuously committed to engaging the public in the wonders of Space Exploration and the Earth System. Our Young Scientist Program continues this tradition by engaging local communities around the world. Read Nick’s impressions below: During my time at BMSIS I had the opportunity to volunteer at […]

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Outreach Tour in Brazil

Dr. Ivan Lima recently returned from a two-week outreach tour across Brazil. With 46 outreach activities across 13 cities in four different states, Dr. Lima reached 2,000 people in Brazil–and even brought back two awards! The outreach included a rocketry competition for students supported by a local company that sells educational rockets with electrical ignition and prolonged solid combustion. The students performed 8 mini-rocket launches on October 7th, which you can view a clip of below. [click here to view […]

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The Problems of Contaminating Mars with Earth’s Microorganisms

Rodrigo Abans shares his ethics & society case study, which he completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. There has been much concern about whether humankind is taking enough care in space exploration. There are a plethora of ethical issues. One of these concerns is the fact that anything that goes offworld carries a certain amount of dormant microorganisms. This led to the decision of destroying the Juno spacecraft by crashing it into Jupiter instead of risking an accidental crash […]

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Middle School Outreach in Turkey

BMSIS Young Scientist Selen Çetin visited a high school in Istanbul, Turkey for a space research outreach event. Selen’s engagement was part of her Communications requirements for the BMSIS Young Scientist Program. BMSIS is continuously committed to engaging the public in the wonders of Space Exploration and the Earth System. Our Young Scientist Program continues this tradition by engaging local communities around the world. Read Selen’s impressions below: As a person who grew up in İstanbul, Turkey, I have encountered […]

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Leaving Earth, in Search of a Better Home…

Vigneshwaran Krishnamurthy shares his ethics & society case study, which he completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. We, Earthlings have taken our planet for granted. We have come far from realizing that the resources here are limited and finite. From the air we breathe to the water we consume, everything here are perishable. And with the geometrically growing population and the pollution we caused, the day we run out of resources is not very far. We had pushed the Earth to its […]

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Ethics of Space Colonization

Julia Sullivan shares her ethics & society case study, which she completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. For many, the idea of space colonization may seem to be an inevitable fact, with Mars seeming to be within reaching distance, with our only obstacle being time, as our technological advances and scientific understanding no longer feel like limiting factors. This may be so, but one question that isn’t commonly considered is, should we? Yes, humans have explored and expanded across […]

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Funding Space Exploration: Benefits Beyond Space

Shaelyn Silverman shares her ethics & society case study, which she completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. On July 20, 1969, a surge of national pride rippled through the entire nation when Neil Armstrong uttered what has become one of the most famous and beloved phrases in the history of the United States: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” [1]. Armstrong had just become the first human to set foot on our moon […]

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Prioritization in Funding Among Competing Projects

Selen Çetin shares her ethics & society case study, which she completed as part of our Young Scientist Program. Given a fixed amount of funding and a series of problems to solve that are related to our future life as human beings; such as the need to explore space, millions of cancer patients awaiting to get cured, or billions of people that cannot afford getting a proper education, suffering from poverty. Which one of them should be of top priority? […]

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Talking Mars with The New Yorker

Dr. Jacob Haqq-Misra was recently featured on the New Yorker Radio Hour in a segment titled “Why Do You Want to Go to Mars?” Archive editor Josh Rothman hosts a conversation with Dr. Haqq-Misra and Elizabeth Kolbert, a New Yorker staff writer, about the prospects and perils of attempting the human colonization of Mars. [listen to the segment at WNYC.org]

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